Cloud Drive

OneDrive and SharePoint are sadly lacking, give users Intutive Shared Drive they are already used to improve productivity

Cloud Applications

Microsoft 365, SharePoint, Dynamics

Azure Cloud Computing Platform

Virtual Servers, Virtual Desktops, SQL

Cloud Backup

PC & Server Backup, Office 365 Backup

Lets face it SharePoint and OneDrive are clunky and not intutive…

Are you struggling with shared files with SharePoint?

Most users are familiar with local drives and shared network drives. S-drive, H-drive, or similar. Moving files to SharePoint and OneDrive, because it’s included with Microsoft 365 plans is NOT always the answer (although it may be for some users). Don’t get me wrong at first SharePoint looks good (and it’s pretty) there are use cases i.e. it’s a website / Intranet portal that can be adapted for various types of uses. If you need to share files with other users and use them normally like a local PC drive or network drive, remember SharePoint is NOT a File Server and has many limitations.

Users soon find limitations and struggle when using SharePoint to store files like a normal PC or Server. Cloud Drive gives users something they are already familiar with, improving productivity. With Cloud Drive, there are a few more bells and whistles like the previous version, sharing and access control (external Sharing if company policy allows), Mobile, and Web Access.

At Logical Micro, we make full use of SharePoint and OneDrive, as a web portal it can be a useful communication tool for users. Naturally, we build SharePoint Sites for customers and encourage them to use OneDrive for personal files. However, with Thousands/Millions of Files and Folders users struggle to use SharePoint in particular, even with workarounds. This is where Cloud Drive excels and most users find it easier and intuitive.

Do you have issues using SharePoint and or OneDrive for CAD??

For CAD users SharePoint is a non-starter.

If you have migrated to the Cloud or are about to do Cloud Migration and looking to use a familiar, Shared Drive alternative to file sharing such as a traditional Server-based S-drive call our Cloud Team today at 01274 522131 or fill in the form below.

Cloud Drive can be ‘Cloud Only’, Private Cloud (your Server storage) or Hybrid deployment with Cloud Storage

Cloud Drive is more than a Secure, VPN-less network share that works across the Internet on PCs, MAC, and Mobiles (Android & iOS Phones/Tablets) and can be accessed by a web portal.

It can be a Cloud-only solution with Storage in the Cloud like Microsoft Azure, if you have moved away from Local on-premise File Servers. However, many companies still have File Servers for databases, Accounting Systems, Print servers and CAD / graphics-intensive applications. Cloud Drive enables you to access Server files remotely over the internet – with or without Cloud storage such as Azure.

Anytime, anywhere access on Any Device (almost!) – Windows, MAC, iOS, Android and Web Portal.

  • Cloud Drive connections are secured with an SSL Certificate
  • Two Factor Authentication (2FA)
  • Cloud Drive does not require a clunky Virtual Private Network (VPN) to be set up & managed
  • Single Sign-on with Microsoft 365
  • File Locking is implemented
  • Suitable for CAD and Graphics use
  • File Check-out and Checkin for Off-Line use
  • Conflict resolution
  • File versioning and roll-back
  • Ransomware Protection
  • Android and iOS apps
  • Web Access
Cloud Drive

Cloud Drive gives users Shared Drive that users are faimliar with such as drive letter such as S-drive. Facilitates users to work remotley anytime, anyplace and any device. It has many more features such as sharing, access control, versioning (previous versions), check-out and check-in.

SharePoint is good but has many limitations and can be clunky and slow. OneDrive (which is a subset of SharePoint) can be clunky and slow too. Both are included with MS365 and have uses. We encourage users to take advantage of both when practical.

We having been providing IT Support Services for over 40 years so you benefit from our expericence.

Cloud Drive can be deployed on your on-premise Server allowing access anywhere, anytime & any device.
Cloud Drive can be a PURE Cloud deployment – no on-premise server.
Hybrid deployment is also possible. This is often the best, most flexible solution.

For on-premis and Hybrid – Windows Server. Any version Windows 2016, 2019 or 2022 should work fine.
(Widnows 2012 is no longer supported by Microsoft and 2016 is end of life)
We can deploy as a Virtual Machine – QuadCore processor, 16Gb RAM

For Cloud only – NO Server is necessary.

Four Decades of Hands-On Experience and Innovation

We listen to customers and seek out practical solution to problems or difficulties users face. If you are facing issues with IT or Cloud implementation, please get in touch, we can probably help. Happy to discuss and there is no commitment required.

Our Managed IT Services offer the expertise of seasoned technical support engineers with up to four decades of experience. Whether you require managed security services, cloud solutions, remote monitoring, or any other managed service, you can trust in the expertise of our dedicated team.

Speak to our team Call 01274 522131 or fill in the form to request more information or a Quote

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