Cloud Solutions

Tailored Cloud Solutions, IT Support and Services for your Business

Cloud Applications

Microsoft 365, SharePoint, Dynamics

Azure Cloud Computing Platform

Virtual Servers, Virtual Desktops, SQL

Cloud Backup

PC & Server Backup, Office 365 Backup

Cloud Computing, what is it and why its important to your business?

Cloud services are services made available to users on demand via the Internet from a cloud computing provider’s servers instead of the company’s on-premises servers. Cloud services are designed to provide easy, scalable access to applications, resources, and services, and are fully managed by a cloud services provider.

A cloud service can dynamically scale to meet the needs of your users. Because a service provider such as Microsoft, Google, or AWS (Amazon WebServices) supplies the hardware and software necessary for the services, there’s no need for a company to provision or deploy its resources or allocate IT staff to install and manage the service. Examples of cloud services include online data storage and backup solutions, e-mail services, hosted office suites and document collaboration services, database processing, managed technical support services, and more.

Cloud Computing is about working smarter, leaner, and more efficiently. It will cut your energy consumption and reduce your carbon footprint. It’s always available and enables 24/7 365-day access.

Other benefits:

  • Low capital outlay
  • Easy to budget
  • Round-the-clock 24/7 availability
  • Secure Access
  • Anytime, any device Access
  • Ability to Scale with your Business needs

Cloud Computing

Digital Transformation and Cloud Computing

Experts in the Cloud

For many years, Logical Micro has been a trusted expert in cloud solutions, offering a range of Cloud Services including Requirement Planning, Cloud Migration, Cloud Hosting, Cloud Backup, and of course, day-to-day support of the solutions tailored to your business needs. Whether you require a hybrid setup or full cloud migration, our skilled team delivers customised solutions. From single servers to complex multi-server, multi-site systems, we implement the perfect solution, including Azure, AWS, on-premise, or a hybrid approach.

Cloud Migration

Logical Micro’s Cloud Migration services ensure the seamless transfer of applications and data from an organisation’s existing on-premises infrastructure to the infrastructure provided by a public cloud service provider. This process may also involve transitioning between various cloud computing platforms.

We have expertise in Digital Transformation and Cloud Migration. Our Cloud Team will first analyse your business needs and help you choose the right Cloud platform and Services to make your transition from your on-premises to the Cloud a seamless journey. We ensure your existing systems function as normal during migration. Once migrated we can help you manage and support your new cloud estate or through our Managed Services provide your business fully Managed solution with day-to-day support for you and your users.

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